
Job search for foreigners. Do you want to find a job in another country? This site will help you! Job search site and foreign employees

Job Seekers

Jobs search in China

Free job search service and foreign specialists in China

HelloJob.org is a leading site for the international search for specialists and jobs in China.

On the site you will find specialists living in China and outside the country who work in such areas as: translators, teachers, tour guides, etc.

HelloJob.org is optimized for multiple platforms, from PC and mobile. We also support a full range of social media accounts so that job postings posted by employers are available to a wide range of job seekers.

Our team

A little comment from our HelloJob staff. Our staff would like to wish you the best in finding a job or foreign employees on the site. Every user is important to us.

Hello, I am a Manager in the section Jobs in China.I help employers and job seekers with problems on the site. A large number of Chinese companies are looking for foreign employees to work in China. But most sites are paid or not understandable enough. Our developers HelloJob.org have made the interface as easy as possible and that's it. services are absolutely free on the site.
Welcome to the job search site for foreigners. Every employer and job seeker is very important to us. We appreciate that you use our free job search service. If you have any problems or difficulties in drawing up a questionnaire on the site or if you have any questions, please ask us questions, do not hesitate. Every day we try to improve the site especially for you! We love you!

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